Alien Calamity

Alien Calamity

BAM!!! A sickening sound had been sent out and was shaking Rom’s house like an earthquake. Rom had been telling his family something unknown was going on a collision course straight at their village but no one had paid attention.
Pandemonium and chaos was in the little village striking everybody with fear because a UFO was coming straight at them. Rom had raced out of this plot by going on his two wheeled bike. “It was ancient but it would do” he thought.
Once he was out of his homeland he sat down on the grass trying to calculate the exact time the thing would land. It was 5 seconds to go. 5,4,3,2,1…
CRASH!!! The UFO had arrived causing total destruction of Rom’s village. Creeping cautiously Rom had entered the ruins of his dusty village which had a horrid odour. Going closer to see the rusty, old ship that had squashed his village, he had found a young alien sobbing so much that her tears could fill a swimming pool. Feeling sorry for this weakling that had journeyed to Earth, he had helped this weakling and questioned her for hours.
The duo soon became friends and learned about each other’s world. By resting the feeble alien became stronger and could call for back up so they could mend Rom’s pulverized village. One hour later the other muscly aliens came and the instructor barked out orders to mend this ruined village. Rom went and got supplies but then in the leafy green became ambushed by surprise.
Muttering he rose with his pocket knife in his hand. “Drop it before ya get caught.” said a high pitched voice that was in front of him. It was another prisoner crying that.
By Selda S

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