I was curiously walking through the dark, murky river while my boots were squelching and there were howls in the distance. I brushed against a fern leaf and felt something furry crawl up my skin.
I turned on my torch and the fur was orange. I raised the torch to where the fur was coming and there was a face with puffy cheeks that looked like leather. I backed away cautiously but its arm grip tightened. I prised the fingers off me and ran away into the pitch black of night. I panted as booms and thuds were coming closer.
The orangutan came with his troop surrounding me, they were bellowing like banshees. Suddenly the night was silent as the apes cocked their heads. I remembered the fact that orangutans share ninety-seven percent of the same DNA as humans so I imitated them and was accepted into the troop. I couldn’t believe I was the first human to go into a troop of orangutans.
In the care of these apes, there were challenges to face and hard work to be done. GRRRR! A leopard had growled violently at the troop and challenged the leader. The fight had gone on for ages, I had to join in too and protect this endangered species. The leopard was almost about to pounce on me but I quickly took a stick and poked it in the eye before I passed out.
When I woke up from the slumber, I found myself in a helicopter lying on a stretcher, with my family craning their necks to see if I was alright. After taking a rest I told the story of my adventure and got into the history books.
By Selda S